[service] # enable this spectrum instance enable=1 # one of: aim, facebook, gg, icq, irc, msn, myspace, qq, simple, xmpp, yahoo protocol=$filename:protocol # component ip server= # if use_proxy is 1, the http_proxy env var will be used as the proxy server # for example export http_proxy="http://user:passwd@your.proxy.server:port/" use_proxy=0 # component JID jid=$protocol.example.com # component secret password=secret # component port port=$filename:port config_interface = /var/run/spectrum/$protocol.sock # IP:port where filetransfer proxy binds to. This has to be public IP. #filetransfer_bind_address=$port # IP:port which will be sent in filetransfer request as stream host. #filetransfer_public_address=$port # admin JIDs - Jabber IDs of transport administrators who have access to admin adhoc commands # separated by semicolons #admins=admin@example.com;foo@bar.cz # directory where downloaded files will be saved filetransfer_cache=/var/lib/spectrum/$protocol/filetransfer_cache # URL used to acces filestransfer_cache directory from the web. filetransfer_web=http://example.com/files/ # name of transport (this will appear in service discovery) name=My $protocol Transport # default language language=en # transport features separated by semicolons # combination of: avatars, chatstate, filetransfer # if commented, all features will be used # This variable is DEPRECATED and will be removed in future versions. Use [features] instead. #transport_features = avatars;chatstate;filetransfer # if vip_mode is 1, users are divided to 2 groups according to 'vip' database field vip_mode=0 # if vip_mode is 1, you can set transport to be availabe only for VIP users by setting only_for_vip to 1. only_for_vip=0 # if vip_mode is 1 and only_for_vip is 1, users can connect from these servers even they are not VIP. # This feature is useful, if you want to enable transport only for users from your server, but also want # to give access to VIP users from other servers (for example from GTalk) # seperated by semicolons #allowed_servers=localhost # transport features separated by semicolons which will be used for VIP users. # combination of: avatars, chatstate, filetransfer # if commented, all features will be used # This variable is DEPRECATED and will be removed in future versions. Use [vip-features] instead. #vip_features = avatars;chatstate;filetransfer # pid file pid_file=/var/run/spectrum/$protocol.pid # require_tls to connect legacy network #require_tls=false # Eventloop used by Spectrum. Allows to change default use of poll to epoll, # which should be faster and handles more connections better. # WARNING: some 3rd party libpurple protocol plugins are not prepared to be # used with different eventloop, but protocols included in libpurple by default # works OK. #eventloop=glib [registration] # Set to 0 to disable transport registration to everyone except # people from host from allowed_servers list. #enable_public_registration=1 # You can override username registered by transport user. This is useful # for example if you want to let users to register only their Facebook name # and internally connect them to facebook_name@chat.facebook.com. # $username variable is replaced by username which has been registered # by particular user. #username_mask = $username@chat.facebook.com # This option allows you to white-list newly created accounts according # to regexp. for example allowed_usernames=*.\.gmail\.com$ will allow only # GTalk users to register. If you use username_mask, then username_mask is # applied before this option. #allowed_usernames=regexp # Label used to described username field in registration form #username_label = Facebook username # This variable overrides default instructions text in registration form. #instructions = Type your Facebook name here: # Transport features, all features are enabled by default. [features] #filetransfer=1 #avatars=1 #chatstates=1 #statistics=1 # Transport features for VIP users, all features are enabled by default. [vip-features] #filetransfer=1 #avatars=1 #chatstates=1 [logging] # log file, needs to be unique for each spectrum instance log_file=/var/log/spectrum/$protocol.log # log areas # combination of: xml, purple log_areas=xml;purple [database] # mysql or sqlite type=sqlite # hostname (not needed for sqlite) #host=localhost # username (not needed for sqlite) #user=user # password (not needed for sqlite) #password=password # sqlite: set path to database file here # mysql: set to name of database database=/var/lib/spectrum/$protocol/database/$protocol.sqlite # table prefix for multiple transport instances sharing the same database #prefix=$protocol_ [purple] # avatar, vcard, roster storage # needs to be unique for each spectrum instance userdir=/var/lib/spectrum/$protocol/userdir